Tuesday, February 22, 2011

From the Internet to find an old photo effect to do this site

 From the Internet to find an old photo effect to do this site, casually out of their photos posted Zhang effect is not bad, play play took back all right.
Intuit boring my recent life, ah, like all day have time to watch movies, and then busy happy.
recent form, color nobody seems to be in a state, not many people doing the exercises, I do not how to do more.
short bar I fall, ah, I have to find time to repent about.
Year immediately to the ah, and must have a new portrait weather or not ~
intensive ~
renderings Local:
effect chart :
original film:
yesterday it was terrible, with Well, just go to bed to sleep, the results this morning did not even get a look ... maybe a dream last night I get to it ~
Kuteng faint crow ~
winter trees is this thing on .
and cold.
This corpuscles days ah, really annoying.
runny nose, all right of children sitting in the central flow down the nose to the kind of silent (and not someone's when it comes to flow down the nose with a ring of children).
city Thief: Ben Affleck wrote, directed and acted in the movie, this guy talented ah. the one you hope that the police failed to see the final film. inside the actor best buddy, it seems James is called, a bit like I was reading a novel Yue, Zhang Yue more than he had thought), before being killed Luanqiang others drank shots of discarded Coke impressive end of his life he has nostalgia for it, so go with no regrets over a lifetime? They robbed the bank wearing the mask so when there is love, ha ha ha ~
love this little thing: another is a Thai film, is a style of fresh pure love films, is still a good film, shot in Thailand kinda have a thing in this type of film I found. duckling efforts to crush the school grass white swan story. actor looks stronger than the posters on the beat more, is a Sino-German mixed the beauty of a bubble children , Meng was bubbling son, was called a handsome dead ~ 360 degree change of heroine I sigh a little makeup is strong, but I still like her ugly duckling of the time. Xifeng English teacher must be separated twins in Thailand.
one liter of tears: I see this is not the film version, is the TV version of adaptation. Think of the TV set should 11 only 140 minutes to put together into a film, we must lose a lot of expressive. But even so, this film has enough to move people out. young girls from the age of 15 to fight with the disease, has been fighting to 25 years old, a jump from the sun girl was turned into a loss of any ability to act who, until death. This was how powerful the psychological changes in order to withstand such a long ah. the original of the patient in the 10 years I have written, account of her illness and the mentality of the period with the help of family and friends, It is said that since its publication moved all the Japanese people are also more concerned about this disease - spinocerebellar degeneration disease. see credits, said there are more than 20,000 patients in Japan only, ah, thought it was a rare disease yet. This is a movie poster version of the poster, I find the TV version of the Internet poster size is very small, SO, to make do with this one. TV version than this pretty actress is a pinched idol.
alive: A few days ago to see Cool to see the latest uploaded Tiger this film to see ah, flew children to see, on the red is the story of a little of the rest of my life. he was the rest of my life, that can really makes a Burongyia, from the rich young man becomes addicted to gambling after broke and lived through the liberation war, Sino-Japanese War, the Great Leap Forward, pumping out steel, but also the Cultural Revolution, his son and daughter of a dying make iron and steel, one died in the Cultural Revolution, and finally to the old couple and grandchildren, son-eat and sitting together, laughing. alive, no matter how difficult to live, still have a smile live. really do not see why this film banned, because the performance of the Cultural Revolution? nothing more than a small family environment, social environment reflects it. In addition to Ge You and Gong Li, is also some familiar figure, Jiang Wu, Guo Tao Han's, then are so young ah.
elevator devil: more children to gather around the Tate's husband, also lift a finger can not stop the devil, the devil who died who want to have to die, who want to live Who can live. I like the elevator this subject, a lot of Horror and horror films are the props used in the elevator, in the claustrophobic space of what is possible. this film be used to lift the extreme of the bar because all of the plot revolves around a single elevator, and the plot design is more fascinating. Unfortunately, I do not like the ending, I think the detectives should have killed the man live fishes, it shows people are actually more terrible than the devil. Now that the outcome is too impractical.
Toy Story: I have not seen Toy Story, as I like the toys do not make progress for Intuit, and despise their own look. from the first episode broadcast out of 1995, the second episode in 1999, took another ten years before the time out of 3 sets, subjects have to take this opportunity to have watched these episodes. Lianbo three episodes so enjoyable ah. to see the first episode Woody fell in love with the character you, courageous, generous attempts, Well this is a bit small selfish normal matter, considered a small flaw. that is called Sid the child is a horror prodigy, ah, a little old to have the idea that children, Do not be scared Woody silly like change, or promising that ~
Toy Story 2: Woody peripheral that is really awesome, ah, I almost saliva flow, and I have so many Laura around just fine. fix that old Woody really good craftsman, that toolbox, that craft, and what a perfectionist, I like the people who have skills. Bass brothers death and Woody became friends, this set Bass performed well.
3:3 Toy Story is the best one, perhaps because of his touching it. Ten years later, the children grow up, toys are another new destination, the end of really feel sad when. But, people always want to grow up Well, happy childhood and the childhood friends will always bear in people's hearts. Andy is really a good boy, and Woody is my mind ha ha ha always a hero ~ ~
plans to do on your own material, be it ~
card installed the wrong letter, wrong wrong regardless of it.
Merry Christmas ~ every day I'm happy, oh
favorite blue goes on.
find snow!
sent a graph, second-hand look, add some color change a child of snow again, to come true ah ~
also the next, ah, is said to have made a Tianjin. the whole of China to Beijing are down less than ah, wondering Shane is?
not sleep too good last day, sleep 4,5 hours, and then'm not sleepy during the day, but also the spirit than anyone else, I This is to me it is immortal.
no nonsense! no graph with the truth!
This is a with a strong personal nature of the film.
it is with a strong personal style, Jiang Wen film.
pleasure it is domineering

it only went for this movie only came out
Jiang Because only one in this world
Jiang Wen Jiang Wen
out the bandits are wearing a black suit different

tie from time to time and beat the black umbrella
This is a triad-style bandits
means of communication is a whistle to whistle
that the accuracy can be remote transmitters

comparable secret code
This is nothing high-tech bandits
ginger text-style bandits are lonely woman he likes
do not like him had ordered his brother
last he left his opponent dead

He saved untold miseries of the people as long as he sat
with two chairs that what would happen, but Jiang

he will, as that is the same as the domineering
because it is the pleasure of
this, Jiang Wen is our favorite
word, Jiang Wen, than his previous films in which Jiang is more - more intelligent, more talent Jiang.
to be on the play acting, I think this film is worth seeing yard most GE uncle, the role he played up too Shoudaoqinlai capability, but it really is his show coming.
and Jiang Wen, Zhang Mazi, oh no, is Zhang and animal husbandry, this role is actually Jiang Wen himself, he does not play, and this is his character. saying I always hard to believe that Jiang's temperament bandits.
As Chow does, it is idol ah that is, acting is not to say that. but I always felt that RTHK's drama actor to play the mainland Some are so different, no matter how well played, are worse then a little bit, that is, they do not feel a little tune, a little means to wear cheongsam to foreigners, who look more beautiful, and then east, it is not as good as the Chinese wear good-looking. And the yellow Shiro is someone Chow voice, right? fat brother as saying the mainland was so good, so pronounce it? I suspect that hard.
effect 1:
Effect 2 :
original film:
hair did not do this picture, but also select another map real hair is fake hair brush pen, and finally it is not uniform, and had Dounong black bin, so no details of the.
this picture when I do someone told me that for a face to her right.
his sister was ... Well, I receive education, let me not be so sinister man, talk to stay discreet. So, what is not said.
fled Cayman Islands: telling a group of tourists to Australia in under a giant mouth, the story of escape. Drama is an idiot, and eventually even a small wooden bird cannibalism to solve the crocodile, alligator pity that the boss, ah, long film so much easier ~ What beautiful scenery in Australia, where I like tropical fish, reptiles and a variety of beautiful plants, ah, want to ~ quite ~.
child bear story: an animal movie classic. eight years of film, in my impression, not seen, you can see some shots and very familiar. Bear is so cute, ah, I have such a very majestic like a very generous attempts ~ ~ Big Bear is the last major confrontation between man and animals are let off with each other, harmony of the ~ end of the sky and snow in Big Bear Cubs snuggling together in a cave hibernating lens, te warm the ~
Alice missing: the typical three people in a drama. originally thought was a kidnapping thriller theme, the relationship between three people who actually know is a triangle, but a man and a woman fall in love with a man. triangle center of the small white face is clearly overestimated their abilities, the situation completely out of control, the two men were all done man. from the plot point of view, feelings between the two men than between a man and woman is much deeper feelings ... now see the woods for a drama, was staring eyes Zhigu moss garden trees all over the floor and hold.
If there is God's love: a very beautiful love movies. film actor and actress did not get married during his lifetime, but even their children come together, ape dung ah ~ theme song, I'd heard long ago, although that was nice but not too bothered watching this film now and then looking for the song to find, there is no right to download online, only Love.
Eye 2: Eye 1 is seen by many years ago, was that the Hong Kong horror film looks good, I do not remember the specific circumstances have been, just remember as if Angelica Lee played. Eye 2 talking about the play of the primary three suicide Shu Qi and suddenly opened his eyes, can Sees Ghosts of the. The most horrible thing is that because of her suicide, the ghost of her boyfriend's wife is pregnant, she was lining up waiting for delivery, so do her children reincarnated .. . films that yard where cowardly man is not cute, he killed two women at the same time, K! According to the film say that the Buddhist master, every pregnant woman is waiting to be reborn around the ghost, and that is certainly maternity hospital where the ghost of the most intensive Kazakhstan, and update soon.
lizard: have no time to see what species, a bit like eyelashes angle, but certainly not, anyway, very beautiful, is my favorite type. with is Caocheng You starring, the small eyes of South Koreans still look cute thing. heroine was young wizard in general, can be grown up enough and ugly, rather like Karen Mok, Korean unusual long like this.
Memories of Murder: This is the true story of the detection based on the story of South Korea has not broken one of the four mystery. the beginning of the narrative film looked very realistic way, the case no progress, the police are gradually getting ah ah suspects appears to ramble. But the story with the criminals, in contrast, more and more nervous. but still have, however, the most powerful evidence was found to be invalid, the detection of an abrupt end here. at the end of the police into it from the old large areas of wheat fields (in fact I do not know what field, maybe rice?), the very wonderful, making the film seem a lot of thick, giving the whole film a lot of extra points.
puzzle Queen: only 1 a half-hour of the film looked like two and a half hours so long, very slow pace of a good quiet ah. a housewife suddenly found yourself the gift of puzzles, along with training to participate in competition with the companion story. just do not understand why so She come up with some extra-marital affairs, ah, do not understand why she was not in the World Series, do not understand. this film seems quite popular, I LIVE IN can not find, I often look at the poster's website there is no such film. to see this film With interest in purely because there are so while I do like puzzles children, how have to fight off dozens of pieces of it, also get two boxes to fight a good hang out. just because I like to sell when the market It is no good looking puzzle, or to fight the still more, the party then you, those puzzles have now all the pressure of the bottom of children.
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