Tuesday, October 19, 2010

39, Tasi Qi (like that name

 We all know that will come to the line) to intercept swordsmen to recover 'and channel', when Tasi Qi said, 'You actually lied to me', the cook immediately on the swordsman shouted 'you in the end on how she is? 'Swordsman stepped forward to answer open the way to fly' is the name you did not ask me what I did not lie to you! 'Oh, there are three details, the first is, when the swordsman stepped forward to push the road toward the next one, from the location to see the road flying swordsmen blocked the road does, however, this time the cook is the sword who tread! Swordsman Why not take the opportunity open cook? The second is, swordsmen of Tasi Qi spoke, cook together along with the swordsman's eyes look Tasi Qi, claw posture is maintained a form. Aaron does not cook as in the field ignore him when the swordsmen, then turned around and asked the United States when it was roaring Na 'Hey,UGGs, listen to others! 'Because he did not want distractions at this time to swordsman, because he could not see out even animal in nature, Tasi Qi had come for the poor is the enemy. In the face of the enemy, should not apply on infighting, just a cook phrase roar of maintenance over many years to develop a natural response, Ms. Bale. Cook looking to Tasi Qi, swordsmen want to know if she will do to respond, which is concerned with Tasi Qi? Of course, he is the knight thing, but also in the interest infantry. The third is, the swordsmen of that sentence 'I did not lie to you'. In fact, the swordsmen of the first sentence of the question has been answered Tasi Qi, since 'you did not ask yourself what I call' rather than the swordsman did not say she was asked to say a lie, or that there is no swordsman lied to her, this sentence is equivalent to the next one swordsman 'I did not lie to you'. In other words, 'I did not lie to you' This sentence is completely nonsense, there is no need to say. Swordsman from a cook to finish the first sentence of eyes turned to see Tasi Qi, we can also see that the cook also thought that a swordsman would answer only, turned his head to see why they would use the next Tasi Qi nothing to refute. So, sentence can not say why swordsmen say it? And swordsmen, or an accent to say specifically. Why? Because the swordsman would like to explain clearly do not want to Tasi Qi misunderstanding? Like the swordsman did not care what others think of the people will not much care about an intersection of the Navy, he is misunderstanding him? Uh ... the feeling is unlikely ah. It added that what the swordsman is the word? Calm indifference to the less will not say the swordsman is a talkative person? Uh ... I do not know how. The purpose of this statement that what exactly is it? Please find the answer to cook him. Cook in Tasi Qi finished 'You actually lied to me,' roared after the swordsman asked 'Are you in the end on how she is? 'In other words, cooks care about is that' cheat 'word! Well, finally clear, swordsmen special added, 'I did not lie to you', especially emphasized the 'not lying' mean, obviously tell the cook to hear it! He did not care how people think Tasi Qi, but he did not want to cook misunderstanding is probably what you mean. Ha ha.

40, swordsmen and Tasi Qi fight, cook one side while cursing the swordsman hub up, but was Tasi Qi's' Do not meddle! This is my battle with mono, Luo Luo Yazhuo, outsiders should not intervene. 'To prevent the. Swordsman speak 'you hear? You go first. 'So, Luffy and the cook passed away. Here are a few interesting plot. First, the swordsman when dealing with Tasi Qi cook to being up, but without Tasi Qi to stop it, that everything really cook with the swordsman to a yellow-green war? Cooks are not stupid. The cook, the President is certain to be protected, so rush to go and the first lady to deal with algae; be companions also can not give up, so he will use his own way to protect infantry. We can imagine that, if the cook is really intervene in the case, the strength of the relationship between the gap, and later will become a swordsman and cook singled out, since it is singled out two people, it can be played while walking Well, in order to Tasi Qi way not to be found. Do not say this simply can not do that, with the tacit understanding that they both can be done, even if everyone did not say so implies, but also to know exactly what the other wanted to do. Second, the swordsmen, then let the two go first. Swordsman in Tasi Qi finished speaking after opening, so the phrase 'you hear? 'Obviously, the cook said. Cook hear? Tasi Qi not allow him to hear the words of intervention. This can usually ask 'See? You hear? Know it? 'And the like, all the speaker knows the exact meaning of words when talking about objects,UGG shoes, have to understand each other can be determined to what the other has seen, heard, know. For example, A does not know what the meaning of B, A would not B say, 'You see? You are wrong. 'If such happens, it only shows A defective. Back to the present, swordsmen since said, 'you hear? 'To prove that he knew the hub up to help cook. How did he know? Swordsman and Tasi Qi fight, Tasi Qi facing cook cook they are able to see the action, but the swordsman is back to cook, and he knows how to cook to help? The curse is pleasant to the ear from the cook to cook to help out the meaning? Come on ... can not find this. How can he know not to yell at the cook but the direct hands-on? The most likely is the swordsman from the cook's personality has always been speculation Ms first cook will do so. Although this time a fellow swordsman and cook time is not long, though, Ms. maintain the character of the cook only in the daily performance of the U.S. Na spin around, it is easy to be understood as animal in nature rather than chivalry; While the field of chef Aaron Na was not an insult to see the United States, can easily be understood as the maintenance companions. But swordsman understand the spirit of the cook with the knight, but to show it out in the form of animal in nature. Third, I heard the words of posterior flying swordsmen and cook different responses. Listen Swordsman let them go, way to fly clear understanding of the cook laughed and said the word 'go' to start and, he believes swordsmen can take care of it came from behind to catch up. The cook,UGG bailey button, with a trace of clear understanding of the expression of resigned. Is unwilling to help the lady can not be busy? Or unwilling to make at this time swordsman left alone? Fourth, when the cook ran away shouting words of the swordsman. 'Zoro, you dare to hurt the lady I must forgive you. 'Cook side of the body sideways to run the two-side duel for being so much shouting. The cook was right swordsman shouted, and the cook's attention falls on the body of swordsmen. The content of propaganda, although it is not hurt Tasi Qi Xu Jianshi, even if the cook has to determine where it will not hurt swordsman will not lose, it may hurt just Tasi Qi, so the only way that will not hurt her swordsman, which kinds of cheerful confidence in the meaning of the swordsman, but implies another layer of meaning: Do not harm Tasi Qi, the premise is not to hurt yourself. In general, requirements of good people not to hurt the enemy when the companion, provided that their companions were not hurt. Which I have not seen frequently at a disadvantage in injured companions shouted Shihai not to hurt the enemy so that he would call such things are well positioned in one's own companions at least not jeopardize the time to show mercy . Of course, the cook is not a frill, he really did not want Ms. injured. If you play against him and the President, he would rather his injury or even death will not hurt the President, this is his knight stick to the road; but he will not impose his own concept of companion body, the enemy if the President, he would not get involved, However, if peer hands, he will not stop, this is his gentleness. As the island later in the administration of justice, and the cook and the CP9 in × fight, because Ms. insisted on not being beaten half to death to play, but to go with Nami × battle, he did not stop nor interfere. Having said that, I mean, the cook is to not hurt Tasi Qi swordsman, but if Tasi Qi threatened swordsman, swordsmen fight back against the cook does not even hurt her. But then Nami is the President of the × on the President, the two do not Xiangbang cook, this is foul man President, still is the eccentric cook a swordsman. Fifth, the way to fly, and the cook was gone, swordsmen recipe to beat Tasi Qi, Tasi Qi unharmed. Tasi Qi and Gu Yina for very similar reasons, even without the cook's orders, swordsmen and will not hurt her. But who can guarantee that in a knife inserted into the walls of the hair rubbing Tasi Qi moment, swordsmen never thought cook the phrase threat?

41, the road leading to the port, cook, and Luffy Luffy met the Si Moka task. Cook resigned look relaxed tone said something 'Hey, way to fly' it clearly means is: the road to fly, looking for you, you get him, I go first. Swordsman just met Tasi Qi contrast to intercept let them go when the cook's face, then it is different from other poles ah.

42, cook a person back to the port, facing the animal in nature Na hair, but a Nami asked Luffy and Zoro to put away the heart of mind. 'Do not know those two guys back to the smell does not come back. 'Very serious remark, that the cook did not worry. However, Si Moka say, 'No, your life may be on to this day the' brooding look after the cook can see, the cook worried about Luffy will lose Simo Ka; but swordsman, the cook still very confident he will win, right? After all, in the East China Sea, the first swordsmen is not a fake name, not to mention, the strength of swordsmen still know how to cook.

43, first of all, if the cook is the right path and flew though to say, how can that not feel eyes ... look at the road to fly, but look at the road right of people to fly it. So who in the right way to fly it? Is a swordsman and Usopp. See who still cook with me? Second, say several people to board, the cook ran sword Shiwusuopu all right, except the road to fly left to run, several people stopped and looked puzzled Luffy. Please note that the running time, because the cook is flying from the road ran to the left, so had to stand on the right side of the swordsman and Usopp cook faster than a step to endure the close, but when three men stopped, position to change and become swordsmen and cook stations close, really close, swordsmen of the left foot and right foot are stacked to cook together. The Swordsman and Usopp are two steps away from the foot, which is obviously when the stop, the cook took a step forward, but took a step back and swordsmen, so the formation of such ursolic Pu was thrown to the station alone. This really is ... they told me how to say? I'm stumped by. Hard to understand it. Again, see the road stretch arms flying out, 'rubber', all three are bad, cook surprised the Road 'and so on ... wait a minute' swordsman inviting mouth received 'sinking feeling' we do not think these two words very smooth it? Tone is also equipped with words, speechless. Fourth, three rockets hit by road fly back to the board, please hit the canvas four times to see posture, Usopp upside down, Luffy Usopp pressure in the body, swordsman and cook in two Usopp the direction of pressing the arms and legs. Is the road to fly over so things get hit, what position are normal friends. However, please look carefully, Usopp, Luffy, cook the legs all the above, we can clearly see why only one leg can be swordsmen it? Leg where? Searched and searched ... found it! Swordsman's leg was completely crushed the legs of the cook was below! Words can not pressure like that is also quite easy to cook two legs are extended in both directions, while the swordsmen actually cook the leg movements also played down the bend, making the swordsman's leg was practically cook blocked, or really can not tell a close look. Finally, the four hit the deck, Usopp wrestling dizziness, legs Luffy Sanji pressure in the body (upper body), and the cook and the Swordsman - head to head! I carefully look at four positions that hit the canvas, looked a long time can not tell how the swordsman and smashed head to head cook, and if the down slide down, they should be lying on the floor, head points to the right and left, stretching the legs; if turned a somersault fall, it really head to head, but it should be his back to the days right, but also from Usopp and Luffy were unchanged position of the Yang-tzu can be seen, four or slide down, or turn directly to the two fallen, can alone become a swordsman and the cook is lying this is the first head of state, really ... again, speechless. (Of course, I admit, these things can be said that I Shenglayingzhuai's)

44, returned to the boat, several people saw the light guide leading to great route, great route on the light side. I will not mention when Luffy, Nami, and the cook looked at the wizard against the bar light ship, the swordsman's eyes - the Swordsman really see the wizard lantern? How do I feel like down the swordsman's eyes can only see the cook who ah? Only mention two of the look and action was very reminiscent of a can. Na was a great route to the United States finished in the light fly over there, and laughed to see the way 'how? 'Usopp took an' that's not right in this stormy weather, 'and then, facing the front of the slightly Qianshou swordsmen, head exposed mouth evoke a smile, the eyes are full of the last to enter the great expectations of route and a certain self-confidence to realize their dreams. The cooks also brought back a smile of the lips, and even lent a thumb. Perhaps their demeanor and actions are against the road to fly, but the way this time does not look flying swordsmen, or cook. Then the relative position from a few people can see the cook and the way to fly in a straight line, the swordsman in the back three, swordsmen visual nod and smile in front facing the great route can also be understood, then cook the thumb against the front but not out of the rear ramp leaned against child pick lip extensor, not so much against the way he is flying, it is better that he is facing the swordsman. So, can we counter-push, the object of swordsmen smile, is the cook.

45, the so-called 'departure ceremony', just take your foot in a bucket,UGG boots clearance, in say the purpose of entering upon the great common route kicked the bucket. The first is the cook put up your feet, because it is the only thing he proposed. Then the way to fly, then swordsman, Nami, Usopp. Order is not important, important position. Cook with the swordsman is put together and can fly from the original road, Nami, cook in the former, swordsmen, and Usopp in the post-pattern, it seems that this station should not be present. If the three of them came directly from the boat turned column, should the cook, Usopp, swordsmen, Luffy, Nami such stations, has now become a cook, swordsmen, Usopp, Nami , the road to fly so much since the position change, it can be understood as all upset weigh stations, and it is intended swordsman to stand together and cook, or not close to the middle from two apart, just across the Usopp's circumstances, how can both of them next to him? As the road to fly next to the cook, what do nothing, the road had to fly in close proximity with the cook, as long as the United States with the Na staggered about inadvertently steps, it could stand to cook side. Swordsman can be different, the distance between him and cook very far. Finally, a few people talking about that dream about an air of swordsmen, when the cook out into the great route is to find the All Blue, the people turn out their dreams, who did not look abnormal, but this is the most unusual places. The dream of five, only the cook's dream is more difficult to understand, and One Piece, a large sword ho, draw a map, the brave warriors at sea, others the dream is one to understand the whole thing, and only All Blue , but not the name alone will be able to understand, can be speculated that this is the sea, but it is what the sea, this sea where the cook Why should we have to find a sea route into the Great? The cook did not say these things if they Xiangponaodai could not think of any come. Why are the other four can look normal it? All Blue seems to have known the case. (Personal opinion, in addition to chefs, most people are unlikely to know that All Blue bar) to listen to the cook said Luffy, Nami said the cook may also listen to (after all, is the reason the sea cook, ah, Na is not surprising that the U.S. would like to know, he Nami told the more surprising), Usopp may simply forgot about it (Usopp is not a cautious person), then swordsmen it? He is not the restaurant at sea, so the cook talking about flying the right path, he did not hear All Blue; aboard the cook let alone take the initiative to tell him his dream. How did he know? The only way: to ask the way to fly. Swordsman is not a heavy favorite inquisitive or curious, but he was seen dining at sea cook even if they are treated as Zhepu insisted that remain there as a cook, and attitude then why the firm would agree to fly with the Road sea it? Swordsman want to know why normal. Swordsman of course, do not think that is because Luffy beats off the Lick cook so he told him to return to sea, and that reason is too funny, right? Although the road to fly to speak simple and topsy-turvy, but Zhepu sacrifice to save the cook and dreams of power, said that he could understand. Swordsman and therefore probably know the cook insisted on staying in the restaurant and the cook's dream and the reason for pursuing this dream meaning cook it.

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