Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I'm waiting for you in the way of love

 A chance encounter , the heart of Lake inadvertently ripple Dangqi . Gentle breeze was a joy , quietly blowing my memory .

endless memorable inexplicable heart , eager to share the kind of sweet. Breathed a whisper in the wind , I read , it was a deep affection .

meet. acquaintance. knowing each other. Xiangxi , the fate of the sky of our common breath. Whether you are set far apart , there is always a piece of my heart belongs to you the Holy Land.

hand , if the years erase all memory , only the faces and voices keep you in my heart . Chun-Hua Qiu winter to summer to go, miss you love you as ever .

Even if one day I disappear from your dreams , did I forget the beauty meet . When the light breeze singing Yanzi back , I still love the way so you ......

Please send my fluttering thoughts close at hand ; Please send me endless affection in my heart ; Please bless my sweet dream .......
melt into one day if I disappear from your dreams , did I forget the beauty meet . When the light breeze singing Yanzi back , I still love you the way , etc. , etc. ...... you .....

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