Tuesday, March 1, 2011

History of ancient maps and - Leaving

 History of ancient maps and
【Abstract】 In this paper, a map of ancient China to illustrate how often the concept behind the impact of the image, even if it seems fairly accurate map, it is not always the result of measurement In fact, there is always the content of ideas and imagination. from different cultural backgrounds, beliefs, background and political intent of the person drawing the map, the range in space, location, arrangement, proportion and color of the similarities and differences between the size of Deng Deng behind, there is considerable Interestingly, the dominant ideas and imagination, such as embodied in the ancient map the proportion of various geographical space arrangements, that is, information on the history of ideas. Further, the paper also discuss, in writing in the history of ideas, images, information on how to enter the field of vision, because in fact it also involves what should be a history of ideas what to write the problem and how to write.
use In addition, on the city a attributed to Foucault (Michel Foucault) of the influence he had in a very simple question of geography is very academic, but also to promote his report on the ;, it has a political, legal and cultural implications, therefore, clear boundaries between disciplines had been smashed, and everything in the map not specifically mentioned, but fortunately, no one really used the map as a Chinese Intellectual History. I was very hesitant, has become a hot topic in the map, does it also added that on the for a long time, decided to expand this topic extended to discuss how the image data into the history of ideas, intellectual history because of the traditional image data is often neglected, such as the ancient buildings, statues, pictures, artifacts, and so, of course, the discussion of this topic, I The picture shows the main data is still space.

History of a Chinese intellectual history in particular, researchers often can not attend to the information concerned with the image, just text documents, together with the text material excavated to enough to be produced on the history of ideas and interpretation. Therefore, in the thoughts of the past history or the history of philosophy in the writings of a class, there is little analysis of the image, but also very few illustrations of this, perhaps, partly because the history of the habit of thinking focused on text documents, half of the heart, because many researchers do not think highly of most of the books with pictures, as if one used the figure to be reduced to the history of the times, the use of the image data does not seem any objection, as the Paleolithic archaeological report on a new, early social history and civilization, etc., because no alternative. However, the literature in the text have been enough time, study the history of ideas can be extensive use of images? does not seem to see the opposition, but did not see a clear support. In fact, the idea is an easy thing disappear, if the words written down the history of the text of the basic literature of thought, then, the same should with the idea to the production of images, why can not the same as thinking of the narrative text? Therefore, the key question is is how the history of ideas from these researchers only spatial images, interpretation of the meaning of the concept of intellectual history needs.
image representation space, and space is very interesting things in the world of science, the space is mainly just - In the traditional implementation of the map, and often both - but, even in modern traffic maps, property maps, topographic maps, vegetation maps, and so, in fact, more than this, and that this distance, direction, and even those concerning a description of the historical formation of the viewing. When the modern perspective by the way has been used to describe the object being observed as the time, he was always starting from a positioning of visual images, which said that it seems very objective Science is very accurate, does not seem controversial to look at the past in one direction, there is determined in accordance with the viewer about the position up and down, and according to the proportion of the viewer from feeling, but also established a description of things like the size of the level of different color for each person felt, and gave the things like painting the feeling of a different color, which of course is the modernity) the product is said to be scientific and objective - in fact, had fixed the space objects like, such and such will be described in the following into the narrator's subjective narrative, highlighted by the narrator and the hidden, choose and elimination, therefore, to be described by the image viewing, imagination, memory, time and again describe the change in wrinkle pollution and carrying a person's feelings or ideas.
Indeed, out of any space object is described as, feelings and thoughts are like this product. and further that the space is not only in dealing with all kinds of visual objects like the feeling of the framework, and this feeling is also a history of building up the framework, and quite enveloped and universality of the concept. such as that the ancient Chinese for , the guess might be the middle of the hole, painted on the lid of the tomb Ershibasu, Compass, and dragon patterns, a variety of tomb at the top of the astronomical images appear one after another, coupled with the ancient architectural wonders to share experience to follow a The guideline, as well as exist, and this idea, also constructed the ancient world of China itself as the central concept of the World of Thought in Ancient China, the Chinese central authorities in heaven and earth, surrounded by a layer by layer around a foreign land, the more out of lower civilization, until the journey is not to the shortage of clothing, where to live is the retranslation and to the barbarians.
ancient China that inferring that all fields, not only a place to worship heaven and earth and heaven and earth correspond to the spatial structure and the pattern of the palace, as is often the analog days, the city is to follow the pattern of days like, and even the government's administrative structure but also analog world Seasons Even the human body, facial features, joints and internal organs may also follow the world, this is because the ancients where ; to naturally get the rationality of the universe, the so-called have a inside of a hemispherical dome that too is fixed in the center, everything is from the hearts of a circle to spin out of positive and negative, after gradually build heaven and earth, gods, yin and yang, seasons, etc., people think of future generations of Tai Chi Yin Yang Pisces Fig.
space feel not only the production concept, and it can build the concept of space objects like the real production. In addition to the above Circular Mound, palace, city, etc., there are many, if we look at the Sun Yat-sen in Nanjing, Taipei's Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, Chairman Mao Memorial Hall in Beijing, Lenovo to the hole, the Northern Song Dynasty imperial tombs of the Ming and Qing imperial tombs, then we can know the big political ideas, the eternal, the power of the middle and symbolic meaning, how soaked into the design of these spaces, but can also understand the concept of feng shui in the position, situation, yin and yang, etc., and one of the well-being and permanent means, how it affects its spatial relations. fact, more than these, like the ancient Chinese Imperial from the north-south axis, Xuanwu, Suzaku doors and Tai Jidian as the center for the avant-garde Edward Mun, two appearances as a defender of the structure and layout of the house, such as Beijing's Temple of Heaven, to the altar, Xiannongtan, on the altar, on placement of the altar in fact, has very deep political symbol means that the temple by the gate, the four kings, before the Maitreya, after the Veda, and reach the Main Hall through the pond and released, as well as its hatchback design and the back of the depositary of Buddhist texts, but also contains a wealth of conceptual content, they all imply some kind of deep feeling and thinking. As for the Fujian Hakka Wai House, Guizhou Miao's cottage, the former gesture symbolizes the internal and external orientation of clan identity, which is the central symbol of the fire's location the center of the tribe, and the location of the ancient Mount Fengshan, of course, suggesting here, and ceremony of the occasion, no doubt has a special effect. To put it a bit further, Taoist alchemy of the tripod furnace, according to Heaven, Earth, five gods with God, divided into three layers, the simulation of eight Chen Jiuxing second wind, and gossip with the Quartet, the Five Elements, it seems not so you can not get the eternal nature of the universe. The debate over thousands of years of Tai Chi, more ideological implication is that space images, in which alternate graphics blend of yin and yang, you can explain how much sense!
b < br> Of course, the concept of the space world space feeling and the real world, after all, not exactly the same situation, can not fully grasp the huge space, people can ride their own imagination, imagine hemispherical dome, etc., to arrange the space facing position, but once run into actual space conditions, people will according to visual observations, to be described. such as the geographical space to describe a specific orientation, layout, size, etc., can not but change their imagination, and strive to repeat it exactly the space terrain. So both the imagination of ancient, but also the measured map. The former example has been lost in the Hill Furnace (symbolizing the three-dimensional images of Penglai Yamagata), Pingshan County in Hebei Zhongshan tomb discovered in the Warring States copperplate Warring States period?? County geographical situation, of course, is the most exciting discovery Mawangdui on the map painted on silk, according to modern researchers that its accuracy has reached a shocking point, and today's landscape is almost great accuracy to the control.
However, even after a class of such maps, we can not completely eliminate the concept and imagination, after all, people are drawn map, mapping itself highlights a hidden, was hidden in between the inevitable the idea of someone inside. attention to traffic, will highlight the path and ignore other, care about ancient and modern History, and will highlight the neglect of urban property and pass the changes. geomancy map to note that family orientation, where the position and the Dragon, travelers the map is concerned about tourist attractions and shopping sites. However, the ancient historical geography is the main concern where the official (state, county, County Seat), and administrative changes in the geographical scope of the Ming and Qing Yi generation time, such as Gu , Gu Zuyu particularly concerned about the military fortress and advantageous terrain, because the hearts of lingering memory of the war. However, the very important ancient Jiayuguan, Qinling scattered off, Pass, Hebei, Sichuan jiange, even in today's military map, has also been It is not the focus of vision, the Suez Canal navigation, also in the charts since the fifteenth century, the Cape of Good Hope is no longer important highlights, the concept of mapping of the human and change with the times, they no longer new map will focus on the highlights or the Cape of Good Hope off a large bulk. Not only that, we usually say that the map several elements, such as orientation, location, proportion, indicating the color, and national boundaries, and so, in fact, also with the concept of change, such as orientation, is fixed on the North West the right under the South East, left, or are there other designs? Another example is the location, geographical position have been fixed, but whether there will be an unexpected move? another example, the ratio of the exact proportion While it has been is a necessary factor in the map, but there is no guarantee under a map drawn by intent deliberately to change. Finally, the color, the same color is a sign with a political territory, the different color marks the different territories, but will not have ulterior motives in the above implies an intention to use color? As for the border, it is geographically not only in the lines on the map, then this border territory of Le hook shape, will not cause a different type of political association.
Speaking of the direction of the map, I have had a profound experience, when a friend took a piece of drawing a map of a coastline, I recognize, I really can not see the shore where it is, but when friends big laughed the map upside down, I found that it is what we are familiar with the East China Sea coast in particular, it is only one on the south to the north, the opposite thing the map. This is of course no special significance, but that people often have preconceptions see, and this preconceived quite deep, even a cognitive habit. However, if we know that the ancient map is on the south the north, then we should ask, Why do people want change and when it changes South on the north into the next? If a conclusion that the problem is not easy, then we will see, when people have been accustomed to draw on the map of the North after the South under the Ming Dynasty on the coastal map, such as thirty-five years Jiajing (1556) The below and the possible invasion of Japan and the other on the top of the sea, the coast of China on the alert flags painted signs and crowded Feng Baihe castles, is this why? has been compiled to help Hu Zongxian In the including, in recent also, four Americans out too far, ancient and modern vision for the painting begin with, the close-range for the next, as on the outside environment, the environment for the next, on the outside inside, the eternal and unchangeable Oita also, as I will when China itself but by a little stand outside the American husband, you can, if set to sea in the next, the first stand in the sea, from out in the foreign-born men, and fell as China's, or Down?
The key here is never too Beidi in the fact that you can even accept the to the state and nation, he must insist that this He's psychological orientation. Similarly, in 1930 the Japanese military to draw the , as if facing the top two giant clamp was reduced in China, then in the direction of the map symbol, whether to have a hostile attitude and aggressive opposition, including psychological factors?
perhaps, especially likely to cause political association, is the center of the visual map of the location and the edge of the arrangements. center and edge, in fact, the problem is not only a geographical but also the value of the difference in the resolution, but also in recognition of persons Behind is a place meant for the center, which is like Parisians say in one word called edge. and when people look down on people Shanghai, it was always said to others is the world is central to China to take care of the traditional concept of the strategic arrangements for the missionaries, however, Ming Liang (car boat) of the placed in the center of the map referred to Lee's list of country names in various countries around China, this piece of twenty-one year Wanli (1593) Fourth Division in the Ministry of Personnel of Nanjing Masami Church engraved map, it is clear not only reflects the world the concept of the Chinese official, but also reflects the general concept of the gentry of the China Center, a man named Wei Rui violently attacked on a map of Matteo Ricci, Ricci has been very careful though to the Chinese painting in the middle, but he is still angry, ranking figure among the ranks Shaopian west to near the North and try to Yefen Yang Guan, the Arctic Star is in the sub-sub-axis, then China as Nakai, while the figure is set slightly west, are all meaningless talk loudly hh the Stanford If this!. , or to moderate the capital for the warp, maintains China's central concepts and self-esteem, but only twenty-eight years after the dynasty (1848), Cheng Cheng Xun carved moved to Paris in the warp, perhaps symbolizing the center of the world and the edge of the transfer took place quietly. Of course, the so-called center and the edge of the map, not only to draw those concerned, but also concerning a viewer to see the map in Figure time, often also had a fixed spatial location to be transferred. Just as I write this article, the Hong Kong Arts Centre has just held a gold foil people, but to write the commentary in Hong Kong, there are the a center the map, then, what this highlights the ideological meaning inside it?
on the ratio, the ratio that is large and the small space or distance and close the issue. big and small, although the concept of space, however, actually describe the size of the distance is only relative but not absolute scale. As the philosopher pointed out, large and small is actually a person's feelings as the central concept of space constructed, often are based on human standards, than the NPC large, small, smaller than a man, the ancient so-called leakage near Now a popular saying but now it seems as simple as stopping by the neighbors.
However, the size of the map, but there is more behind the meaning of intellectual history, for example, the Song obviously learned in the geography of the world after all heard of the country still Huade Hao everywhere like a little island, the proportion of this space is obviously a heavenly kingdom, including the self-imagination, until the world has opened his eyes Xu Jiyu , in Zhao expanding), Chunyou seven years (1247) Wang Zhiyuan stone in Suzhou. now in the possession of Suzhou Museum of Inscriptions.
, however, apply to the 1875 Pu Yi Xuan two gifts made for the royal fan full map The changes, whether on the , Taiwan and South Korea unusual Japan and China is relatively small, the Dalai Lama, Tibet's imagination, the great concept of the map and the Chinese government in Tibet between the large and small map, map of Taiwan and the mainland of China published a map of China published For Mongolia, the different descriptions, at least it touches so much of the space between the ethnic and national conflicts, political and historical disputes between the regime, where there are too many political overtones, and historical memory in which such an impression of space on the map , has affected the people of different ethnic and national identity. because the maps were not only reduced the space on paper, it will raise awareness about the real space of the association, as is the popular theory says, as the Taiwan people will look at the map published in mainland China, that the above depression, and mainland China in Taiwan, published a map that swelled for no reason, not used to each other the same. cite an obvious example, we remember the Cultural Revolution in the release stamp not all, then, in this the wrong ticket, there are very deep on the country, territory or even the history behind the concept. Indeed, the countries and territories on a map may show the most obvious, because the map is in a sense political control in the drawing, the color map is a symbol of political control regions, which sometimes exceeds the reality, and the color applied with some imagination, though only in the drawings, and sometimes to express a wish, such as the United Kingdom New Year in 1898, yellow, consistent with China on space, color arrangement, behind the recognition of the political territory, while the Japanese military headquarters in 1942, the Department of the Navy report to draw the , the full symbol of Japan's expansion. The most profound memory, people still may be able to put aside history.
on the map in a different world view of ancient Chinese observed the change, is very interesting thing, because the geographic imagination (geographical imagination) is actually a thought on politics and civilization, in the Imagine the history of this hidden history of many ideas, so it is the content of history of ideas. I mentioned the paper, domain map the world of knowledge and ideas in China. Meanwhile, I have also used the Southern Song Dynasty Buddhist book, Han Chinese civilization can truly compete with alternative culture, but also a real regional Chinese population relative to the alternative than the space, but this opportunity fleeting, until the actual end of sixteen early seventeenth century, Matteo Ricci ( Matteo Ricci), only to his is a world of knowledge and ideas of alternative resources, like an undercurrent, from time to time in the collapse of the world of the Chinese concept of once again highlighted, making the place in the world of Chinese thought The emergence of the knowledge of ancient Chinese thought and belief the overall impact of the world, in the past, researchers regarded the concrete into the impact on the world perception of geographical space alone, but I would also like to note is that the knowledge of a change, for history of ideas, it is also very crucial, especially if this knowledge is the cornerstone of a lot of thinking the truth, then, this seems the toppling of specific knowledge, it will collapse the whole building ideology, and tradition of ;, or
However, in the 'd inherited the tradition of old European maps. Figure in addition to later renamed and several other images, on the equator, latitude and longitude lines and the sun out of the two tables, on the Arctic and France to see some of that text, and Xi were Wu Zhongming, western Zhejiang algae Li, Shu-Dong Yang Jingchun, Zi Yang Zhi Min Chen, Qi Guangzong inscriptions ita These maps, tables, text significance? I do not have to study it carefully, but I think the Earth map with astronomical images, apparently to rely on knowledge and the principles of day demonstrate the reasonableness of the map, not days , we can not explain to, can not explain to, we can not prove that the map drawn on the earth, the correctness of the way, this is no doubt; As regards the question of the algae, and others know, it is the language and vocabulary of Chinese scholar-officials to highlight the the significance of such knowledge, such as the use of , need to re-interpret things, such as the site map of the world map in accordance with Western practices, not only painted symbol on the sailing yacht Westerners goals in a row, and drew a number of birds, monsters, etc., is behind the imagination of Westerners on foreign land? in the picture is also true, Bo Xier (about in this northwestern South America) is a in the woods 1989) Speaking of geography should have three dimensions, namely, the historic (historicity), spatial (spatiality), social (sociality), some of which may be too academic, in fact, Levi - Strauss Tropical depression These three connected to see the meaning. Drawing the distinction between Map drawn in different places, you can see all kinds of political intent are not made Inconsistency, and drawn at different times in different maps, but also ...

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