Monday, February 28, 2011

Budinger lead its fans, experts have predicted will become heated discussions, Mr. 20 +

 Beijing Feb. 27 news yesterday, the Rockets defeated the Nets in the game, Shane Battier to be traded as a replacement starter Chase - Budinger has become the focus of the audience. 8 of 11 shots in the final Budinger scored 27 points, scored two consecutive 25 +. may reach 20 +.

Budinger has a national reputation of the Volleyball Game, and now he is a rocket swing and basketball players. Shane Battier with the Rockets traded to the Grizzlies in exchange for the post-Thabit, Budinger has emerged as the Rockets starting small forward. If on the Academy Awards ceremony, Budinger will certainly change the role of best supporting actor award he won the appeal.

knights and the Rockets beat the Nets in the two games, Budinger had 30 points, respectively, and 27 points. February 23 in which the Rockets win in Cleveland, Budinger tied for game-high 30 points, hit 3-pointers and grabbed eight rebounds and 1 steals. In addition, he has 9 in the penalty free throw line 8, the number of both free throw attempts and hit a season-high record. Yesterday, the Rockets tear Nets, Budinger hit 3-pointers received a total of 27 points 6 rebounds 2 assists, and he once again hit the free throw line 8 of 9 penalties in efficiency.

may Budinger in the rest of the season will not be averaging 30 + a scorer, but the games are 20 + should be no problem. In addition, Budinger is still a very good rebounder and third striker. Budinger's defense there are flaws, but he can occasionally offer a few steals. However, in today's reversal of the New Orleans Hornets Rockets game, Budinger failed to play the brave experts predict the state, the focus of the rocket Jiujiang Ariza care, Budinger voted 3 8 received only 8 points. (Sohu sports Wella)

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