Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Returning to the tears

 That they have not repeated all the girls in this age love crazy criminals! as Firebird but I finally flew toward the sun again. Firebird burning just to fall.
do not have such a long time cried out, from under his car of that moment, I am already in tears! Oh, how ironic scene, he looked back it is deeply hurt my heart! may have been too self-assertion of his own, will fall in love One should not love this! drop by drop tears again and again to tell yourself: Are you hurt!
! so I recovered, only to find the silent tears dripping! open up the brother's phone, ??
insomnia, sad? ? I'm sorry, sister let you down! I gently Road out my cheek like a broken string out one pearl, crystal shaving thoroughly. perhaps it's only tears can read my mind, right? only tears can relieve depression in my mind, ease my everything. do not know since when I have no longer open heart, a man silently endured everything, even met dilemma, only resolve their feelings alone. Maybe this is the so-called grown up now! after midnight, but who will understand the sadness of the heart? I have not as childish as before, no longer tell who to the bitter hearts are no longer the most authentic expression of their ideas.
my story I just told my tears!

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