Monday, January 24, 2011

Interpretation of Yang Qi Han princess sexy fashion rookie into a popular king

 Style chess Yang Han

charming Yang Qi Han 
sexy chess Yang Han

sexy moving chess Yang Han

stars as the public view of the figure, one of how to dress is compulsory. Some stars keep up with fashion trends, a time to allow their star flavor, such as Fan Bingbing, Gong Li, Zhang Ziyi, Lynn, Yang Qi Han and others, has been a front runner in fashion for beach-goers; and some stars have makeup air, a line of the first show, deliberately kept low-key style.

Yang Qi Han guest wishes fans a new section

as the sexy Princess trends, fashion for the singer Han Yang Chi is accurate grasp of fashion, she knows what the current season, the most popular, but also quite stylish insightful. In addition, in an interview Kevin Yeung Han also said that artists should have the fashion sense of responsibility, but also would like to thank everyone in the last year for their support and concern, though physically and mentally tired but feeling full, hope in the new year to have more works and to meet you, but also to fans express New Year's blessing.

2011   flow into the popular actress Han Yang Chi Wang

2011 beginning of this year is a busy bee Han Yang Chi, emerging in various luxury end of the year celebrations; shooting magazine to attend the ceremony, endorsements come one after another, has become the first-line star. Just six months, Yang Qi Han trend of the Queen transformed into mouthwatering. Sometimes naive, innocent girl; sometimes sexy, hot, charming, and tenderness in a set of wild, sexy from the outside will be turned into the invisible. (Text / Xiaoqi)

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