Monday, January 10, 2011

Town and Country Planning Ordinance, the views Harbin levy sunshine consider the distance between buildings

 Highlight the characteristics of ice and snow and cultural cities - Harbin urban planning should highlight the characteristics of ice and snow and cultural city, increased public green space, control of high-rise buildings.

historic buildings, street reconstruction first announcement - involving historic buildings, protection of historical and cultural blocks and other construction projects, urban planning departments should be the total construction project design draft plan publicity.

sunshine into the construction planning requirements for the first time - new buildings, the construction, expansion, renovation of buildings and building space between existing buildings shall comply with fire regulations and national standards. City, town planning and construction of building land of sunshine spacing of domestic considerations.

removed without planning housing law - without obtaining building permits for construction project planning by the rural and urban planning departments shall be ordered removed. (Xinhua Zhang) 

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