Monday, November 8, 2010

World of Warcraft players TOP10 eyes of 10 classic old copy

 MC of the story is relatively weak, not through history The hero, RAG is not appeared in WAR3. But the four elements and the story line of the intersection of Blackstone dwarf the number of copies of the story did not let the pale. but this branch of the future is bound to improve, because we all know is not dead RAG a genuine element of If God have died too did not face the ... ...

Total: 22

say Set, T2 The design is insurmountable, even more gorgeous in front of said T3, but T2 is equipped with the peak shape design (although ... ... the first is Asan like Eupolyphaga T2), anger, excellence, spirit of the wind, the trial ... ... a a symbol of their professional image, as blood teeth, can be said to flash in the pan. With the players set the aesthetic style and taste of the increasingly critical of the formation, along with art you been lazy of Blizzard, and more people believe that only the classic T2 inheritance, can not be copied.

Total: 28

story: 9

and many people are started on the understanding of Warcraft World of Warcraft hegemony 3, began in the second Orc war, the many epic heroes in the hearts of Alsace in the position of the player is irreplaceable, and many players finished the watching him in this life, he gathered from the immature to mature, loving eager, the evil, the irrational, anger, betrayal, desire for power, eventually die and detached, but also joined and Jaina stopped short of love, absolutely male lead character class, and his ended nature of the times. the story of World of Warcraft will then need to re-learn a way to be, to accept the new hero, to accept the new world. all of this, he also included the cream of sadness that this the standard definition of the strongest weapons is now also broken, the player is not a recognized artifact in mind. So With this part of the ICC to sit in second place, I believe that if the review again the history of Warcraft, and the values of the entire World of Warcraft the weapons on the heroes and Xeon respected, would accept the position.

third: Naxxramas Shadow (60)

3: Naxxramas Shadow (60)

story: 10

if they are not fun

equipment: 7

large Prosecutor Whitemane and Commander Mograine Scarlet Crusade

2: Icecrown (ICC)

Strength: 9

questions about the ranking

suit a certain extent, the success is based on the sacrifices made in bulk, almost beggars group the abstract, but in front of my view is a copy of the decision quality of equipment, after all, weapons and jewelry.

may Chennai method as Illidan and Arthas that thousands of pet in a set (a grim matter sorted out how the dragon than two handsome ... ...), but the Black Dragon Legion and resistance Saario the mutiny for the entire world of Azeroth in World of Warcraft is the history of far-reaching yet earth-shaking (to prove the point, no left-fried Blizzard may finally shaking him, please come out once again, by ... ...), which directly break the world balance of power, breaking the five dragon on the world guardian, so that we know today as the world of Azeroth will never experiencing such a war, betrayal and intrigue of the world. Black Dragon Legion story line as a turning point, Chennai rule of law in Blackrock Spire magic as it should be occupied beast important chapter of world history.

ICC process is more bad fight, I want to give it 8 minutes to play, and bone Long is the copy of Sapphiron's evolutionary, but the airship on way of fighting the H let me give it added one point.

disaster Blade

nerf before the ICC, after at least three levels of land clearing BT difficulty, 30% of the not too easy, but all there was, ULD in the corresponding equipment difficult than it is under high, they do not the water, we can happily send Prince're dead, and other ordinary school going H, but also there will be no suffering NAXX and BWL as land reclamation experience. tactically speaking, station achievements on the shoulders of giants will not be too bad, not like SW A film that would rather watch do not want to play that Powan Yi.

wearing the equipment produced three major challenges of doom + MC was still very difficult, many people groups have day and night to eliminate pain, but the difficulty comes from the fact that RAID was the lack of awareness.

BWL is not only a copy of the model, but also from one side reflects the peak of World of Warcraft. At that time the player is limited only to complain about Blizzard the game content, and few people questioned the way the game; that time each job has its own distinct characteristics and occupational characteristics of each player loyalty without treatment as they are now is that everyone would have a 15% cast back to the blue; that time, there are a liar, but also are shady, but that time has robbed the ninja thing ... ... well not justifiably go further evolve into Koushui stickers, but now go back to see the big Chennai Law Society of FD video with voice, which never to the extent that BOSS, FD Tingdao cheers. Perhaps you will say, a copy of the joy of playing more than a FD will Shenmeipilao, BWL only in the most appropriate time it occurred. I think you're right, BWL is the most appropriate time to the closest to a perfect copy, not one.

Total: 21

one of the league's most classic task: rescue Marshal Wen De Sole, and expose the conspiracy Onyxia

strong no matter how much you despise the party, have denied karaoke Like all good for the whole of TBC gear solid groundwork. From this perspective, even in the death of wheat from a large number of armed expeditionary force can once again support a strong victory over the Burning Legion to Azeroth - -! True are a magic!

Strength: 7

second: Icecrown Citadel (Icecrown)

Cataclysm is coming to destroy us before the birth of the world; in WOW gradually reduced to a numbers game, and equipment characteristics without any to speak before the beta began as a journey from the old players, the story flow a little sour players, a tired and can not leave the house but away from the man, always wanted to do something to commemorate the best of times of Warcraft . and a copy of - this carries most of the fighting and the feelings of the player mechanism, as the final code word of my power. I hope my words can attract more memories and not saliva.

fifth: Ulduar

then epic mounted more orange than it is now the test of RP and the team, so this artifact to the devil hit the dream of each and the distinct honor of thieves, and now there are a few soldiers will be no momentum for a hand to, but also drew the same symbol as the comma-breaking battered shield grab it?

4: ZG, ZAM why can not selected

strength: 10


low-level representation during the Staff: Phantom Staff

Strength: 9

I know a dog stick is also good, but the kind of murderous murder Shadowflame all Master Warlock The DKP; fraud by hand and the blade is also a thief who abuses the target (not a knife, then the egg), but have not heard what these two thieves would like as Rune Sword and colorful cut-off around 360 degrees all over map; bones be regarded as a classic, but you do not think it is more a rapid effect of 70 tear-resistant version of what, short of the line of gold ... ... Of course, I also know that knives orange bow to the egg occurred against each other, but also a lot of resignation, but Lothar of the dark red that the big sword but it will dominate all of your impulses, and even the dissolution of associations, relatives and enemies ... ...

First, I agree with your views, ULD is a copy of the most fun so far. I re-recollection of a moment, decided to given the strength of ULD 10 points, but also because recollection of a moment, but still not able to make people remember a few pieces of equipment, so I do not kind of in the equipment that a further reduction of one point on to maintain the current rankings.

Please read the name 10 times: Duke Furtado Furtado root root root Furtado Duke of Edinburgh ... ... he even Prestor storm the city that are see through (also Gouxue in love with her, and eventually death Windsail awakened) the Lengtou Qing accompany you all the way here, with an almost sacred way of sacrifice, and then an almost self-settled way of self-mutilation ... ...

Please read this name 100 times, while the Reign of Chaos has all the memories of all the story again: Alsace Alsace Alsace Alsace ... ... from the high-spirited blonde bitch, unaware of the arm girlfriend set foot on the road to defend territory, you follow his trail along the way, to write their experiences into an epic, this is finally to give the story twists and turns than the Fair Princess is also (sorry to you at this time, the nausea) for one of the off!

2: ICC sucks

Karazhan services in the country will totally be considered a strong reputation ruined the party, in fact, except for the design from the copy of the difficulty of low, is a real success, although I always thought that KLZ produced excellent quality of equipment should be more in line with positioning, but it's the color of the plot or for the entire history of enriched the World of Warcraft.

Overall rating: 25

Overall rating: 23

to Some focus on interpretation of controversial issues:

Blizzard no longer a copy in a 5 to spend so much energy, profound embodiment of Blackrock Depths almost all the early copies of designer efforts so far to open up the abyss of skilled processes, do not get lost no key players missing would not have been found almost disappeared. The black man was once a 15 copy of that time a broken, chaotic and confused the pioneering players, black Today on better than any of the difficulty of a simple high-intensity RAID, including mobs and BOSS.

MSN Spaces perfect move to the Sina blog!

Total: 29

8: Mount Hyjal Jihad

hero! hero! stand in front of you is a true demon hunter, a genuine hero of the epic Warcraft, though not the first time the role of hero class, but it is fascinating that the most handsome, the most tragic that the most fool, even if he is a waste wood, even with he and Tyrande helpless and chaotic period of the iconic love will still be numerous players in order to see the true face of the persistent and. As to what the Burning Legion, even if it has been the main story, whocare?

< p> Equipment: 9

seamounts cup in fact, in the process of WoW is a carefully written story of a chapter, Jaina Thrall Tyrande join the three idol proves the historical status of this war, but not to deny the power of half of the equipment falling grades, and the days kill the remaining half of the tactics AKBUG also denied the fun out of the ... ...

If you do not fun

here Gouxue please allow me to look at: the shape of Illidan and indeed to the power drop, but when I first contact with eggs, when the total of the Raiders, I was completely fine was shock ... ... I had envisaged three elements of this war: the audience were 10 players taking the current value half of the mana and damage; current mana burn every 15 seconds so all the players within 30 yards until you run out of mana per second, DOT 1000; launched every 30 seconds, reduce the hit rate of 50% of all players; This is a demon hunter ... ... Guess what ... ... the result will be our eyes there is a Superman in the eyes biubiu ... ... This is a demon hunter ... ah ... What sort even maintain the existing design and put those skills to be added in the above ... ah ... Gouxue finished it.

classic Bloodfang Set:

orange drop two main props installed in WOW history, this has only this one example, the blue sky and destruction to create their own era, the epic bow and pray also become a symbol of their professional , but can not cover up the weak overall equipment design. but at least all the players into a T1 purple suit's.

story: 6

Warcraft Zul'Gurub and Zul'Aman is also a copy of the design has a special status, is always relative to the top team in the , 5 copies of the difficulty is low, 25 copies of tolerance is high, 10 copies of a small difference but the difference may not open a file you can keep up with the equipment, as long as being serious.

or difficulty in terms of time on, NAXX are on the player's technical, physical, mental and even the great test of economic strength, so that it eventually becomes the only this list the spring snow, not every player will have experienced 60NAXX trials. but the fighting there is no doubt the color design, and many concepts inherent to break the tank (though not the first time), everyone is a fighter can not make mistakes device. While this is neither unprecedented nor non-repeatable, but still man talked about.

equipment must be recognized in the national popularity, the grade equipment.

Drama: 8 < / p>

ancient god of chaos into the somewhat abrupt, excited when we cast toward a tall steel fortress Sa when they actually came into the cross into the act. But, as the MC of the story, as it can open their own story line, so glamorous after Arthas Street, Glasgow flapping in the direction we lose the fight.

but the two did not copy row up, or because the Troll Empire in World of Warcraft official history it is not on the number row, never appeared to become the ultimate power, the historical trend has never changed. equipped although there is always classic, but The Haka will not use the sword, there is not going to mess with the distortion of the storm.

Although this copy in order to prevent completely no one to play, Blizzard 151 times the ultimate weapon design in the AK hands drop, but still makes the overall drop in the poor and vulnerable Soon even the toilet position seamounts have lost.

Strength: 8

4 districts, 25 now have 40 people fighting, which lasted a total of several long the NAXX BOSS? 18 个.

story: 9

Equipment: 10

and TBC as a version of Blizzard first to determine the object of everyone down, so players see him (blind or Prince) before any equipment will be the players already know the answer as dirt, it somewhat failed, not to mention also launched an extremely fast pace magic World of Warcraft players in the history of the most despised by the big toilet TOC, ULD's fall complete with a cup. Of course, there are orange and loaded it up for this ring the number of weak.

Please read this name 50 times,UGG boots clearance, and the head showing the Eastern Plaguelands that poor old guy (crazy to ask yourself: is he actually attain the heaven), and love and family: Tiliaofu丁提里奥弗丁 ugly dress ... ... that the old cap to the sharp soil all the way from the Eastern Plaguelands with you here, I do not know how big the Crusaders also mingled sword, dressed Bisha Jia also Saint Seiya, a dare Alsace Niubi 1V1 people singled out.

ninth: Scarlet Monastery

4: Black Temple


other such copy, such as TAQ, you can refer to the above reasons for the condemnation of these, or would like to say a few words on the TAQ. Many new way of fighting, such as non-combatants T (this is unprecedented, this is great like), more time and space combat (g total) were started in TAQ, but the atmosphere is a lot of bad starts TAQ, 2.5 times out of a defection, if not then Blizzard T3 rescue equipment is likely to slump the art. And Equipment Plagiarism is when the wind started watching a lot of equipment are pouring out from a mold. In addition although the Twins opened up way of fighting non-combatants T was also very heavy price to pay, all legal systems are in a cup of coffee! As In the open event with the new design is a copy of something outside the ~

Highlord Ti Liao Fu Ding

Equipment: 7

located in the combustion Blackrock Spire plain witnessed numerous bloody, boiling lava, can melt the bones of heroes, but also gave birth to a powerful evil force. For the players, this has brought turmoil to 60 three different times, the ultimate fighting, is an absolute classic.

second, STSM is the key to the story, but in the STSM choice, and only witnessed the prosperity and then STSM STSM 60 terrorist in order to understand the shock of this story, I can not copy these two also counted as a group.

Drama: 7

Strength: 8

T3 set + the charge of Yeshi priest, guardian of the legend of the stick

in the real TBC (SW is Gouxue), BT provided equipment is capped, so that most of Archimonde to bring belongings moment turned into scrap metal. Four BWL reproduce the brilliant jewelry, dog stick to the good Master remembered SSF, T6 designs are finally no longer suffer jet-round, start a new art was recognized by the efforts of Blizzard (though still far away from worship). also I do not know enough? Well, I bet there will be players have total disregard for all COS eggs (egg knife and goggles), and of course I won.

1: ULD is too low

Warglaive of Azzinoth, Michael Essien Azzinoth

Hunter epic task: 伦鲁迪洛尔, the ancient guardian of the Longbow

5 people to fight the Blackrock Depths several BOSS? If you RP good enough to hide all happen, 23 ... ...

story: 9

the individual out of 10 points, including intensity depends on the difficulty of wearing a wasteland instead of the secondary equipment FARM difficult.

10: Molten Core (MC)


dedicated players of course, undeniable that serious land reclamation over KLZ, but as the first 70 RAID, its degenerated into the toilet faster than the year far more than 70 players who arrived in the imagination.

World of Warcraft TOP10: Classic old copy of 10 players in the eyes: the big disaster is coming to destroy us before the birth of the world; in WOW gradually reduced to a numbers game, before the equipment is no features to speak of, as a slave beta-old player began the journey, the story flow a little sour players, a tired and away from the house but can not give up man, always wanted to do something to commemorate the World of Warcraft the best of times

or like, but as long as an appeal of strong characters and stories, with a magic weapon debut, the total need not worry about popularity. James Cameron or even Nolan can shoot well I guess New Year box office film. Illidan on the success of the Blizzard; ICC, is no exception. but not all players into the game in the intimacy of the characters make the final BOSS, no good plot, scenes, equipment design and support to do so, players will not buy it, Kesu Grace and Kil'jaeden is a warning. eggs down the sum of the prince after the death of Blizzard took out the wing, since there is such a charismatic figure What?

out, not too many reasons

1: Blackwing Lair (BWL)

equipment: 7

mastiff by Lockheed's classic lines: closed, the dogs!

sixth: Karazhan

and doom, there is no story and no major mainstream figure, Prince of chaos into the wind slightly Gouxue, Ogre has not the mainstream of race, on the threshold of the low-end players are not low (to be key, we need to do a perfect tribute props) led to low audience, are the factors it can not be selected.

BT is a fast-food success, with a clear theme, one or two successful tactical design, an undisputed The glamorous heroes and learn a few pieces of good equipment BWL designed to cover up a lot of class time for work the toilet (you can not skip, but the battle for Akama and his ilk pay point card), but alone before Those, Blizzard won the game and won the hearts of most players.

the end of the story as the Reign of Chaos, revisit this epic battle worthy of a part of the history of Warcraft to obtain a very important position.

Equipment: 7

property and equipment out of ... ... strong to Nianya 60 Needless to say, T3 is the last of a whole career acknowledged good-looking, classic suit design Since then Blizzard changed the art, equipment design began to fall into a vicious circle: from the audience on the set are considered more or less copied the T2 or T3, or just have nothing to be sprayed, but no longer have a generation package Full-winning event. at least from the point of equipment is gorgeous, T3 design set the standard equipment. As the candle sets, Guan knives, rice hammer these collections certainly a lot of people, while more rare than the orange loading Artifact - Grand Cross of the Military Lord of the Sword, snow continued through the choice of Fuding showing off their classic. The only regret is that, orange fitted shape Eupolyphaga the ... ... the old wheat, suffer you ... ...

Strength: 7

tell the truth, if you do not take into account After 70 and even 80 players feelings, my copy of the first 10 years the proportion of 60:70:80 grade 8:0:2 could reach even more extreme, it must make a choice, this is the first.

far you can see out: Scarlet Commander Shield

look after the snow from the BWL equipment design on the top copy of it, the final BOSS must have a beautiful hands and arms; final BOSS Staff must also lost a top, a number of properties as long as the SSF can zoom, and ultra-high property high crit, spell damage may not necessarily higher than the main deputy; top copy must be produced in four Jewelry and difficult to replace, so players grab beaten; clothes must be the last to set off (SW of the fast food box, only preservatives, muru written on the clothes suit it?); probably there will be a force to No high-crit cloth head; certainly a good jewelry out of a can for the task of props ... ... BWL between the drop imperceptibly become a law, then those trying to copy.

5: Ulduar (ULD)

Overall rating: 24

... ...

Equipment: 10

Scarlet BOSS is a hard copy of mobs, Germany and Gou Nannv story will more or less in the future to see their names, either to premature death in 30 multi-level, fully qualified in the all-powerful in the current plot.

7: Blackrock Spire Series copy (Blackstone, down, into the abyss)

I believe in the plot revealed before the world at least a million board a professional fantasize about how hand-held rolling Frostmourne hero's separate ways. the sword in the entire history of Warcraft to be regarded as a myth, oh, no, it is a myth . I can accept that the shadow of Blizzard Frostmourne ax is and the powerful weapons that said the same, but the cream of sadness, how it met all the players have a strong imagination, and fantasy games give players the best gift is imagination. As for the other heroes of the weapons used pieces of armor, change into many of the previous level to change the toilet can be a town where a copy of this treasure, but in all of the Frostmourne imagined before, are clouds only.

decide on a copy of the classic levels, depending on its strength (including tactical and fun, it can be said is a difficult and time consuming), equipment falling, story and audience level, where the audience is affected by geography and the impact of the duration of the larger versions, and each person the most brilliant game of the most beautiful time may belong to different copies of the epidemic, greater subjective impact, so I did not score it as a factor, but ultimately will prove most of the audience a copy of the classic high. < / p>

Well, get a time machine, we set off.

Equipment: 10

strength: 7 < / p>

although sometimes too late to the battlefield riding large mutual support, although the treatment of Akbar's attack can not be any negligence, but the overall skills of the poor and weak, and BUG BOSS appearance quickly degenerated into the toilet or to seamounts. < / p>

Drama: 8

when I was fighting with Mimi Benelong when I suddenly had the feeling that once , BOSS combination of skills you into an impasse, drain your minutes in the battle that every brain cell, and stir every root of your peripheral nerves. Recall that the ULD, most of the BOSS in tactics on both their distinctive characteristics, same old stuff since the move less than 70 copies of any one. ULD or give a lot of people a hope: BLZ have the ability to do a good job or a copy.

Pastor Representative: Clifford < / p>

Although most of the task for Karazhan, but as was the entire history of the most powerful World of Warcraft Mage - Medivh, he gave the world the turbulence, trauma and rescue is still known to many players, even those from the Start World of Warcraft TBC fast food players, many because of the presence of Karazhan really understand a lot of Warcraft history, know that Lothar, Ronin, Sargeras, and many other characters have been or will do anything they want. In the magic World of Warcraft history, Karazhan and Medivh is an indispensable ingredient.

equipment : 8

Although nausea perfunctory to the people of the old 3 This design, but still worthy of the overall strength of glamorous (the glamorous and how) Illidan, but the difficulty of the uneven distribution of the difficulty increased sharply after a few T6BOSS. In any case, the lack of good design is constrained tactical BT the only factor to enter the top three.

grams always the first one in WOW WAR3 debut as hero BOSS , this FD ago, I did not eat dinner with excitement. defeat a hero in the official history of the feelings of the general character not comparable, but the story line of the Scourge have we come to an end at the time. At that time the success of this magnificent turn is Blizzard will tell you white you obviously inevitable that the handheld will stand Frostmourne strongest man in front of people look forward to not own. So now Blizzard is very generous to him in the Duke Furtado copied over the root This means ... ...

Strength: 7

very difficult achievement of Mimi Benelong

at the time BOSS standings remain the first homicide: Fall of the Lavalas Momtaz

I seem to hear the smirking Blizzard : Do you think Fordragon to a completely vegetative state? you think I will not be resurrected Windsail?

Orange Hammer: Wa Lannai Seoul, the ancient king of the hammer Raiders

sword one, no brother, the legendary sword of destruction Group: A Shi Kandi, Brotherhood of the Sword - all aspects of game design made a nearly perfect balance, it can be loyal to plot development, taking into account the players stratification, taking into account the fun, the player's time and energy consumption and the developer proceeds from equipment design to the meticulous copy of a scene everywhere, in line with aesthetic players and game characters and character (you can accept dignified Kil'jaeden crawl out from the pit, Mody (Oh, too offensive for a long time this was actually a mistake never noticed, I'm sorry you day moxibustion ~)? can accept your Blood Elf Prince to spray dung that people who speak a lot about monkeys it? can accept staying in a shit hole like an animal test of silly to go to trial? You can accept even a little strange in SW are holding the AB Why? if each dragon beast holding the AL AL I pledge the decline in value that year a notch.), is a master of World of Warcraft.

fourth place: the Black Temple

classic lines:
6: Karazhan

tenth: Molten Core

ULD's overall ranking I think is really in that position, the drop hammer in addition to the lack of orange can be a long spread of the classic, and its status of official history in World of Warcraft is indeed less than the first four, of course, if ancient god of the total one day the battle started, as the official history of Warcraft,UGG boots, then the ULD as a critical line of this story is bound to enhance the status of Overture, which is the objective.

3: STSM, bad luck is also very good, why can not be scheduled before the 10

As for whether the tactics beyond BWL, is , the supersonic aircraft Wulunruhe than the propeller aircraft flying fast, but a copy of the previous generation BWL Xiangdui brought on RAID understanding of earth-shaking changes, at the time almost invariably the stakes battle, there is no experience to draw any available under the developed BWL fighting process, so that the player was very shocking, heartfelt admiration was the designer. and ULD, after all, is standing on the shoulders of giants, this giant is not only BWL, but in BWL, NAXX and ZG, ZAM, represented by such classic excellent copy, and is based on game engine brought a better, and it feels so good Ulduar is based on a full version of Blizzard ... ... ... ... confidence in the fall of cheating can not be so low ... ... front of a light. So I think BWL raid still stand in the peak.

to make a copy of the equipment regarded by the player Transmitted to the most simple and effective way is what? Blizzard seems to start to find a shortcut from the blood - as long as the copies produced in an era of weapons of war took the hands of enough weapons and rolled back up a can 30 yards away enough to see the properties of Staff of violence, until the move is still unbeaten today. other bulk, such as the bishop of the crown, the Scarlet Shield emblems are also 45 street loading cap era.

story: 10

Orange Hammer: Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros the Firelord

strength: 10

Scarlet is the first to them. The most difficult was dressed for the death of mine, shadow teeth and small tribes are the minor leagues is simply a nightmare, ADD means that every time destroy mission. Although at the time of the BOSS tactical simple and straightforward, but the review Gou Nannv you still have to admit the war was a breakthrough. It is worth mentioning that this is the first work of our localization team is a network of European and American styles of background and enriched so many games.

Nefarian high above the match brought together the story of Blackrock Spire allows a large number of stories Line: Ironforge, Dark Iron dwarves, fire king, Black Dragon Legion, many complex forces, but who can notice the subtle traces - from the second Orc war. So, although there is not much to count on No hero, the story is still very impressive Blackstone series. (here I missed that in the back when I wanted to write it, that is, Marshal Wen De Sole in the abyss of the actors. Blizzard first showed the players the power of his God creating movement: the rapid use of personal heroism made a god, and then quickly crush him, leaving the players mournful air. but I never expected that Blizzard was actually just left hand, from the root Furtado developed a ... ...)

equipment: 8

Total: 20

RAID era's pedigree in this list if not now it is justified, though soon to become a beep MC Mission toilet, but the players have began a RAID consciousness. Equipment speaking, thieves destruction of the world can say that I have in hand, points off the blue sky has become a large, flowering the first to bow, and fly swatter in addition to the outside do not need to rush. tactics, fear of the dog group, 3 of the fire has been a long succession of rain , about half-face tactics of the two fellow sufferers become a classic.

< p>

eighth: Mount Hyjal Jihad

9: Scarlet Monastery

first: Blackwing Lair

Seventh: Blackrock Spire Series copy

Wind Sword: Thunder's anger, the wind and the blessings of the Sword

Total: 26

out does not mean that all copies must be better than he is immune, but the BWL is difficult, fun, challenges, and the player has achieved an acceptable degree of an almost perfect balance. MC Since that brush to spit into the black of a strong wing player to suffer a blow to the door, looking at the flying field full of various monsters stunned; red dragon to kill a few of the first long-term BOSS throne, its tactics have become impossible to copy Classical; dangerous trap room, the vagaries of the dog,UGG bailey button, a small Chennai war + occupation upon the wheels, and even can be used as BOSS mobs hit (three natural, crying Go), Blackwing Lair become a copy of the tactical design textbooks. I believe you have experienced players, maybe everyone has their own moment of glory, but when land reclamation FD Chennai law must be since your entire World of Warcraft one of the most emotional moment.

the shadows since the end of Naxxramas, Blizzard finally, finally re- a copy of a design seriously, so get out those boring bar toilets are more than four years ago, the updated special effects engine and more powerful support to the ULD playability all copies than ever, for those who attach importance to operations, with and post moves, and the like will be great pressure diehard fighting broke out Jingren blood Zaici players boiling up. very very very unfortunate that, in our wonderful country, it is a large raven named Ma Tongchong TOC had a spotless, only some elements are still clinging to concentrate on fighting the ULD, not to mention those beautiful copy of the scene ... ... silver design contest field, you tremble Why?

60 级 NAXX is a people A copy of tired, but unlike some of the later copies, even if no fatigue was more bored. its stringent requirements on the level of the team has not broken, but the relationship between skill-based design (now the viability of the occupation than in the past has been ... ... The BOSS also be able to carry), it may not be able to break .0 BOSS is also fault-tolerant,UGG boots cheap, but the copy of the fault tolerance 0 almost everywhere then that would be a torment. As a player can not make enough copies of hit the point card, Blizzard can not give as great a profit growth have to spend a great development effort (and even some employees Bizou) copy, NAXX the kind of spirit could be the swan song. As for the return of 80 that NAXX, is a joke, the old players in beef noodles ... ... or do not let him back, so why make it become a nobody brush toilet brush ... ...

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